A downloadable game

Milestone Build 2 - Movement controls and animations


Team 8 Build Oct 3.zip 1,014 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download and unzip the project build folder
  2. Launch the executable file within the folder "UE5_CapstoneProject"
  3. Use WASD to move the character around the level
  4. Press "E" to pickup the weapon on the floor
  5. You can draw and put the sword back by pressing "T"
  6. Press "Spacebar" to jump and hit again for double jump
  7. Use "Left Mouse Button" to execute an attack
  8. Use "Tab" while looking at a blue cube to use target lock
  9. Jumping while in target lock uses different jump animaitons (In-development)
  10. When done testing press "alt + f4" to close the build or open the task manager and end the task (Exit button in-development)

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